Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One Great Knitter

Day 3. of the knitcroblog asks for a post about a knitter whose work I enjoy. Perhaps, outlines the instructions, because of the project choice, the photography, the styling, or the scale of the projects.

My chosen knitter fulfills fills to overflowing, all the above categories

I dont know this knitter. She lives in France, which means I can't even read her blog. Or at least, read it well. (There is an English translation button, but the translation is quite poor.) Knitting, thankfully, crosses all language barriers and in the case of this knitter, 'a picture's worth a thousand words'. Her blog is the equivalent of a coffee-table book. One that I treasure simply for it's pictures.

Her choice of projects suit her perfectly. She knits with good quality yarns, so her finished projects look great. She knits often and much. Her styling is superb - very 'haute couture.' As if the knitting talent wasn't enough, she sews too. Her wardrobe is filled with both wonderful hand-knit and hand-sewn garments. When I want, or need, to be amazed by what a person can do with their hands and some yarn, I browse her blog.

Talk about inspiration.

1 comment:

Anne Campbell said...

Fascinating choice! I added her to my list of blogs to read. Love her choices - and she does wear clothes in that elegant way that is so typically French! Thanks for the pointer.